Managing transactions on EVM chains

Transactions on the EVM blockchains are validated thanks to a consensus of miners or validators (depending on the blockchain). They can clear very fast, take a long time, or even fail. This page helps you understand why that happens.

Understanding the different transaction status

On the EVM blockchains, everything starts by submitting a transaction - which can then succeed, fail or be replaced:

⛽ Transaction Status - Gas Cost Overview

StatutsGas cost Incurred & satuts


Expected cost (not paid yet)


Actual Gas Cost (lower than expected)


The gas cost is still incurred

Canceled or Replaced

No gas cost incurred

Why do transactions fail?

If the gas price of a given transaction is too low to be picked up within a reasonable amount of time, your transaction will most likely fail because of the price changed.

Transaction can fail for various a range of other reasons, such as invalid input parameters

What happens when several transactions are on the same nounce?

On top of all their other parameters, transactions are submitted with a “nounce”. The nounce represents the order of transaction made by an address -- it increases with each transaction. Several transactions can be submitted on the same as long as no transaction was cleared on that nounce yet. In such a case, once the first transaction succeeds (most likely one with the highest gas price), all others will be “dropped and replaced”.

It means that to replace or cancel a transaction that has not been validated yet, you can submit another one on the same nounce with a higher gas cost than the original.

Last updated